Modern adoption in Wales

Making the right decisions for each child

Achieving permanence for all children is an underpinning principle of the legislative framework in Wales and of social work practice with children and families.

Choosing the right kind of permanence for a child is so important, relying on a sound understanding and analysis of the child’s needs and circumstances, as well as what the different permanence options available offer in the longer term.

Making the right decision for each child requires consideration of the realistic options for permanence and, ultimately, whether this option will provide the kind of parenting to meet the child’s needs and will assist with their recovery from trauma – not just now but for their lifetime.

For some children, permanence can be achieved through successful return to their family, where it has been possible to address the factors in family life which led to the child becoming looked after. For others, routes to permanence may include care provided by family or friends, particularly when such care can be supported by a legal order.

For those children who are unable to return to their parents, wider family or community, adoption offers a lifelong and legally permanent new family.

The following recorded training modules are designed to give an overview of the modern adoption system in Wales for a variety of audiences.

Family reading a book on the

Part 1 gives a general overview of what adoption is and what it looks like in Wales today. It includes an understanding of the place of adoption in terms of care planning for some children, and the roles and responsibilities of the different practitioners involved.

Family playing in the garden

Part 2 goes into the ‘nuts and bolts’ of adoption work through care proceedings, and the childcare social worker’s role in evidencing the need for adoption.

Family going for a walk on a sunny day

Part 3 has more detail about how we plan and achieve permanence for children and the role of adoption within this.

Family speaking in the kitchen

Part 4 Adoption in today’s Wales: Practice Implications for Cafcass Cymru looks at how adoption in Wales is modernising and the implications for guardians in representing children’s best interests across their lifetime in court.

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